
Thursday, October 7, 2010

What do we need to create?

    Thousands of  years ago, The first ape began to use bone as a tool is absolutely creative, just like those in 2001:the Space Odessey(picture 1).


Duchamp is also considered creative.(see picture 2) But the latter one is more conceptual, because he didnot create the whole thing, he just played with readymades.(see picture 3)

This kind of change contributed to what we want to discuss here: what kind of role should video sharing sites like youtube play in creative culture. As I may say -refering to the readings, they would probably enhance the creative culture in an unexpected way.
     Just like the examples above show that creative culture is moving towards diversity. And all along the art history, it mostly coming down from the sanctuary, and ordinary people(with or without training) can involved in the business of creation.  
     On youtube, as long as you have the resource, you can play the role as creator, or say producer. All you have to do is to register on it. Just imagine that if Funtwo chose another way to do his video, refering to the fictional dialogue between him and a powerful controller, the video would never be presented to us. 1With youtube, instead, "he could just playm film,upload and share. He does not have to ask anyone's permission."2 So everyone could participate and enjoy the fun of creation, isn't it what our ancesters was trying to do?
      Speaking of participation, the way we participate has changed a lot with these kind of websites. " Only a few years ago, the content providers and content consumers were still divided into two clearly separate groups."3 However, with the emergence of these websites, we can be both prodecers and consumers. Take 'Leave Britney Alone ' as an example, some viewers of the video-consumers- edited the video and put it online in another version, which made them also a producer.(see the link below)

       So what do we need to create? I guess are just some crazy ideas, a camera and a computer with internet accessibility.

1:Leadbeater, Charles, 'We think' , Prologue, Page XVI.
2:Leadbeater, Charles, 'We think' , Prologue, Page XVII.
3:Marek, Roman, "Creativity meers citculation:internet, amateurs and the process of evolution", Page 2.


  1. I have watched "2001:the Space Odessey", this is a good exampl that people (human being) start to evolve and use tools (technology) in their living. Youtube is the internet technology that lead the development of creative culture. But, do you think that the development of digital technology is more important? for example, if there is a video is not digital but recorded in a tape, will people upload to the internet for sharing?

  2. Music, nice analysis, the angle to start analyzing this topic is very interesting, like you use the example of the movie 2001:the space odessey. I like the term you use "the fun of creation", we may say that those video-sharing sites can let more people be able to enjoy the fun of creation.
