
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Adams on Art

In Adams writting, he demonstrated his opinion of what is art. According to him, art has different types. Ages ago, it was divided into literary art such as drame, fine art such as paintings, decorative art like wallpaper. But there were also grey area here, areas such as industrial design is not what we think of as pure art. As he said :"The boundaries between art and non-art is not hard and fast."1He thought that video games should be categorized into literary art. The definition has its root in the longlast philosophy about art. Far ago, people thought that "art was representational, that art existed to portray a person or scene or object."2 But when it came to modern time, we take art as an expression. It should express the artist, showing what he/she wanted to tell spectacles. And art should not be limited by time and space. By saying this, he meant that we should be able to appreciate Greek sculptures despite that we are so far away from them. I think this is his basic idea about art. And I partially agree with him. I especially agree that the boundaries is more blurred now. I mean art is becoming more and more interactive with other forms like culture, etc, and we have a looser view of what is art.

According to him, if video games want to become art, they have to go beyond fun and commercial. It need to have other entertainment means. He also atated that they need an aesthetic. We just have to judge more elements in games, like theirs scenes, and how figures are constructed, is the story good, etc. And he thinks that video games is very different, so the roles of their producers and developers are important. Developers have to break the ground, finding new blood to games. And they must challenge the views, because otherwise they would be boring. And the whole chain of video games should seek for a change.

Anyway, art is so different now, maybe video games can become a great art form containing very different experiences from traditional art.

1:Adams, Will computer games ever be a legitimate art?, P1
2:Adams, Will computer games ever be a legitimate art?, P2

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