
Thursday, November 4, 2010

How things expanding from me?

How fascinating, one day we were so resisting to machine combined with human bodies, like Edward below, the next day we regarded them as superheros, as wolverine.


We exploded several works that expressing this theme, and among them the most attractive work for me is those of Stelarc's.


In this work,'The artist's body's positionedat the centre of the structure on a turntable and activates the machine through an extended 'arm' with a manipulator'1, so actually the artist can do more things at the same time, as well as be manipulated by other people. Quite like a robert.

I found it interesting because this is an active behavior, I mean he wanted to do this, not because he had to. He tried to experience outer power and super power. Like Iron man, it seems that he has the ability to do greater things than normal people. Also I saw it as a revolutionary work combining science and art. It actually use technique in reality not on the Internet.

1:Christian Paul, "Stelarc, Ping Body", 1996, P 166

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