
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Analog VS digital

 What we are experiencing today is something that only exsit in people's memories decades ago. We now familiar with photos which combine unconnected locations together in one photo:

We can look at a scene based on reality but also containing fantasy:

Or fing that reality can be deconstruct and reproduced:
  These are great fantasies created with digital techniques.

            There are some photographic effects which can achieved both by analog techniques and digital techniques. For example, color wash, light leaks and blur. But analog technique can achieve those naturally while digital techniques have to rely on software.

               But we have to admit that certain effects can only be done using digetal technology. Followings are some examples.
twisting the image of a real world to an impossible angle

change the color of the object

            Judging by the different works produced, there must be a great differences between analog photography and digital photography. First of all, "analog photographs were made by exposing light sensitive films and used chemical  to develop and stabilize the image. By contrast, digital photography can be displayed, printed, stored, manipulated, transmitted, and archived using digital and computer techniques, without chemical processing."1 Secondly, analog photography have to rely on the staging or capturing images of real world, but digital photography can produce any object existing or not and makes it into a photograph.

          There is so much more to discuss about analog and digital, and how they interact with each other. Besides study them, we can also enjoy them.           music video.

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